St Mary Magdalen Catholic

St Mary Magdalen's
Catholic Junior School

Our Parent Partnership

Your child's education


We believe your child’s education is a shared responsibility and we try hard to involve you as much as possible, by keeping you informed about your child‘s progress and making you feel welcome in the school.

We strive to build a strong parent partnership and have an ‘open door’ policy with parents and carers. You are welcome to discuss any area of your child’s school life and you are encouraged to make an appointment at the office.

Our Executive Headteacher, Deputy Head and Assistant Headteacher, are available if you need to speak to them.

Workshops & Newsletters



At St Mary Magdalen’s we want to make you feel welcomed. At the start of each term, a summary of the work being undertaken in each year group is sent out to parents and at the start of each year, a ‘Meet the Teaching Team’ meeting is offered for each Year Group.

Curriculum workshops have been organised so that parents can support their child’s work at home. Each half term, we offer ‘ Coffee and Chat’ drop in mornings so parents can drop in with ideas, feedback or to chat through any concerns. 

 We always plan to invite parents and families to school regularly, for consultation evenings, class assemblies, Year Group Masses, productions and many other events. Newsletters are sent out/emailed and are available on the website.  We also regularly text you with information and reminders.




We welcome parents and other friends of the school who are willing to help on a voluntary basis in a variety of ways, such as clubs and accompanying school trips.

 Your support is greatly appreciated and we believe in maintaining an effective partnership through collaboration and communication. There are times when families feel they need additional support from the school, and we will always do whatever we can to help.