St Mary Magdalen Catholic

St Mary Magdalen's
Catholic Junior School

SEND Offer


At the St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Junior School, we believe that every child has the right to an exceptional education and high-quality provision to meet their individual needs. Inclusion of pupils with SEND is integral to our school ethos and every child’s emotional wellbeing is at the centre of our approach. We recognise that when pupils feel secure, they are able to access learning opportunities and achieve their potential academically and socially.  We are a nurturing school with a strong sense of community where staff strive to understand each and every child in order to work to their strengths and to support them to make progress in areas of challenge. As our pupils say in prayer each day ‘Together, we can do great things’.


We believe that our pupils learn and develop through a wide range of interactive experiences and an enriched language environment. We ensure that all our pupils have a range of opportunities to further embed and enrich their learning experiences. We encourage them to develop their natural curiosity as well as providing them with exciting and engaging learning opportunities to nurture and/or extend the development of our Learning Behaviours.

We recognise that all children develop and learn at their own pace. By following our pupil’s interests and personalising their learning environments we motivate, inspire and enable them to access learning at their own level and to reach their potential. Where there are additional needs, we excel at early identification and planning for individual support. We hold regular learning conversations with teaching staff to ensure that early intervention is put in place when needed to close gaps in learning and to provide appropriate social and emotional support. We work collaboratively with parents to set these goals and review pupil’s progress. We follow the graduated approach and four-part cycle to ensure that pupil’s needs are assessed, planned for, addressed and reviewed.

All our pupils have access to high quality first teaching in the classroom which is differentiated as required to meet all pupil’s individual needs. Where quality first teaching is not enough to meet a child’s needs we provide targeted interventions to ensure we support access to the curriculum. These interventions are carefully monitored and time out of class is minimised and well targeted. Some pupils present with specific and complex needs that cannot be met through the provision outlined above. For these pupil’s specialist support is sought from external agencies and delivered in school following their advice and guidance. All teaching staff working with external agencies have ongoing training to ensure that a high quality of provision is maintained.

We facilitate exemplary transition from year to year within the school and across school settings to ensure our pupils feel secure, have their individual needs fully understood and have appropriate provision.


Every one of our pupils feels secure and reaches their potential socially, emotionally and academically. Our pupils with SEND make excellent progress from their starting points due to the individual support and care they receive from our outstanding and experienced learning support staff. Pupils experience success in their achievements and develop their independent skills because challenges and targets are set according to their individual needs and every contribution, they make is valued and celebrated. Pupils develop their confidence and self-esteem and are therefore able to thrive and achieve their potential. They are able to contribute to the wider life of the school and feel a valued member of the community.


We understand that parents are their children’s first educators. We greatly value the partnership between parents and the school and aim to work together with parents to achieve the best possible outcomes for our children. We regularly review SEND pupil’s progress with parents through regular ISP meetings and frequent informal meetings. We are always available to discuss any concerns they may have and pride ourselves on our collaborative approach.  Please see the documents or click on the link below for further information about the SEND offer at our school. Please see further links below for the Brent Local Offer.


If you would like to speak to Ms Millett, our Inclusion Leader please contact the school office to arrange an appointment:


St Mary Magdalen's Information Report  2022-2023

Brent's Local Offer
St Mary Magdalen's SEND Inclusion Policy 2022- 2023