St Mary Magdalen Catholic

St Mary Magdalen's
Catholic Junior School

The Rosary

Praying the Rosary in our school is an essential practice that nurtures faith, unity, and reflection among pupils. It deepens their connection to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and fosters a sense of spiritual comfort and guidance in their daily lives. By meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, children learn about key moments in the life of Christ and the values of love, compassion, and hope, building a strong foundation for their moral and spiritual growth. Additionally, this shared prayer time reinforces the school’s Catholic identity, creating a supportive and prayerful community.

Stations of The Resurrection

Children in Year 5 created these incredible Stations of The Resurrection. 

Stations of the Resurrection


Throughout the month of October we say The Rosary daily and we participate in The Rosary Challenge on The Mark Ten Mission:

We also invite parents into school to pray the Rosary with us. Pictures coming soon! 


Below are some helpful document for praying The Rosary. 

The Rosary with the Diocese of Westminster 1 The Rosary with the Diocese of Westminster 2
The Rosary with the Diocese of Westminster 3 The Resurrection - Praying The Rosary
The Crucifixion - Praying The Rosary The carrying of the Cross - Praying The Rosary
Prayer to St Joseph