St Mary Magdalen Catholic

St Mary Magdalen's
Catholic Junior School

The Year of Mercy

Year of Mercy

The Year of Mercy 

Tuesday 8th December 2015 - Sunday 20th November 2016

  Pope Francis launched this Jubilee Year with the solemn opening      of a door in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The door is a symbol           of opening to the fullness of God’s love and invites us to         pass through as a sign that we wish to experience God’s     mercy and take it to others. The door represents a new         opening for God’s mercy to every heart. Each Christian is called     to seek and receive God’s mercy and to convey it to others     through whatever doors he or she passes, whatever thresholds       he or she crosses, and whoever, he or she meets this year.


To find out more read the below documents: 

The Year of Mercy

Year of Mercy - Opening the door of our hearts to God


In our school, the children created displays featuring working demonstrating their understanding of the Year of Mercy, the parables of Mercy, our school entrance featured a 'Door of Mercy' that children could pass through every morning coming into school and we lit a candle of Mercy.